01. Basic Maths & Cal._Diwali Assignment_11th NEET_(09-11-2023).pdf
Diwali Assignment_Physics_Circular Motion - AIR - XII NEET_Raj Pratap Singh.pdf
Diwali Assignment_Physics_Motion of System of Particle and COM - AIR - XI NEET_Raj Pratap Singh.pdf
Diwali Assignment_Physics-Thermal Properties of Matter_Ravindra Soni.pdf
Diwali Assignment_Physics_Kinetic theory of gaseous and thermodynamics - AIR - XIth NEET_Vishal Kr. Biltu.pdf
Additional Assignment_Equilibrium_Chemistry_11 NEET_Chemistry_Vishal Kr. Biltu.pdf
4. Diwali Assignment_Purification, Quantitaitve & qualitative analysis of organic compound_Chemistry_11 NEET_Chemistry_Aman Khan.pdf
Additional Assignment_IUPAC Nomenclature_Chemistry_11 NEET_Chemistry_Vishal Kr. Biltu.pdf
Additional Assignment_Hydrocarbons_Chemistry_11 NEET_Chemistry_Vishal Kr. Biltu.pdf
Diwali Assignment_ The Living World_ Botany_Air 11th NEET_Vidyapeeth_Lal singh tiyagi sir_Neyaz Alam.pdf
Additional Assignment_ Biological Classification_ Botany_Air 11th NEET_Vishal Kr. Biltu.pdf
Diwali Assignment_ Botany_Morphology of Flowering Plants_Air XII NEET_Ravi Kumar.pdf
Diwali Assignment_Zoology_Structural Organisation in Animals (Earthworm, Cockroach and Frog)- AIR - XIth NEET_Vishal Kr. Biltu.pdf
Additional Assignment_Zoology_Breathing and exchange of gases-AIR - XI NEET_Vishal Kr. Biltu.pdf
Diwali Assignment_Neural Control and Coordination_Zoology_11 NEET_Aman Khan.pdf